
peach borer Learn more about peach borer

  • Integrated control of peach borer

    Integrated control of peach borer

    Peach borer eats peach fruit with larvae, resulting in gum flow, fruit discoloration or fruit full of insect dung, unedible, which has a great impact on yield and quality. First, the law of occurrence. The insect occurs 2-3 generations a year in Shandong, mainly with mature larvae in damaged peach fruits and trees.

    2020-11-08 Grow peach borer integrated control peach borer larva
  • Control methods of heart-eating insects

    Control methods of heart-eating insects

    Control methods of heart-eating insects

  • Key factors and control measures for the occurrence of main heart borer in apple

    Key factors and control measures for the occurrence of main heart borer in apple

    Key factors and control measures of the occurrence of main heart borer in apple apple is the largest fruit in China, and its cultivated area and yield rank first in the world. In the 1990s, the state implemented pollution-free agricultural production in order to control fruit diseases and insect pests.

  • Control methods of peach borer

    Control methods of peach borer

    Peach borer, also known as peach bark borer, peach spot borer, omnivorous pests, are distributed all over the country. Larvae harm the fruits or seeds of many kinds of fruit trees, such as winter jujube, peach, plum, persimmon, chestnut, apple, pear, pomegranate, Hawthorn and so on. When the fruit is damaged, it is full of insect dung, which causes rot, and when it is serious, it has a great impact on the yield and quality. Prevention and control methods: first, scrape the bark in early spring and block the tree hole. Use black light to trap and kill adults. 2. Spraying 1000 times of 50% phoxim or 50% dichlorvos emulsion 1200 during adult occurrence and peak spawning period

  • Which insecticide is effective in controlling peach heart borer

    Which insecticide is effective in controlling peach heart borer

    Which insecticide is effective in controlling peach heart borer

  • How to control the chestnut peach borer?

    How to control the chestnut peach borer?

    How to control the chestnut peach borer? Please give guidance to Pyralidae, which belongs to Lepidoptera. The larvae eat chestnut fruit, accumulate insect droppings in the seeds, which is unedible, and cause fruit drop, which has a great impact on the yield and quality. The host also has peach, plum, pear fruit, sunflower disk, corn stalk and so on. Form.

  • Management technology of drug use in peach trees for the whole year

    Management technology of drug use in peach trees for the whole year

    In the first and middle of April, mite mites and peach aphids were controlled by fipronil and fipronil. In the middle and last ten days of April, the pear heart borer was controlled by applying isotropin. In the first ten days of May, Prochloraz Water Emulsion + Spirulina Ester + Lekuzole WP was used to control pear, peach aphid, peach scab and brown rot.

    2020-11-08 Peach Tree year-round Drug use Management Technology Abstract April Upper Middle
  • An isotropic tube for the control of meat insects

    An isotropic tube for the control of meat insects

    An isotropic tube for the control of meat insects

  • Control of peach moth

    Control of peach moth

    Peach borer also known as peach borer, peach borer, peach borer and so on. Belongs to lepidoptera, moth family. 1. Morphological characteristics: adult body length about 12 mm, wing spread 22~25 mm, orange yellow, front wing has more than 20 black spots, after wing more than 10. The eggs are oval, milky white at the beginning, and turn reddish brown before hatching. Larvae body length 22 mm, dark brown head and neck, pale red back, body sections have several pale brown spots. Pupa length of about 13 mm, brown, abdominal end has 6 curly buttocks thorn.

  • What are the peach tree pest control methods?

    What are the peach tree pest control methods?

    What are the peach tree pest control methods? When does the peach tree control which pests? Peaches are easy to plant, but the ability to resist pests is weak, most vulnerable to aphids, red spiders, longicorn and other hazards, but also prone to brown spot disease, leaf shrinkage disease, trunk gum disease, etc., so the cultivation network is whole.

  • Control of peach borer on jujube tree

    Control of peach borer on jujube tree

    Also known as peach moth, peach spot moth, omnivorous pests, throughout the country have distribution. The larvae harm fruits or seeds of winter jujube, peach, plum, persimmon, chestnut, apple, pear, pomegranate, hawthorn and other plants. When the fruit is damaged, it is full of insect droppings, causing serious decay.

    2020-11-08 species jujube peach moth moth control also known as
  • What kind of medicine do corn heart-eating insects take?

    What kind of medicine do corn heart-eating insects take?

    Heart borer is one of the more common insect pests in corn. If the heart borer enters into the corn, it can not be controlled. Therefore, attention must be paid to prevention and control. So what kind of medicine do corn heart-eating insects take? What kind of medicine does the corn heart borer take? once the heart borer is eaten into the fruit,

    2020-11-08 Corn heart borer dozen what medicine yes corn comparison
  • Integrated control techniques of small heart borer in pear orchard for export

    Integrated control techniques of small heart borer in pear orchard for export

    Integrated control technology of small heart borer in exported pear orchard in recent years, the area of pear orchard at Botou export has been expanding, but with the prohibition of organophosphorus pesticide and the restriction of chlorpyrifos, and a large number of unreasonable use of drugs lead to pest resistance.

  • Key points of bagging management for peach trees

    Key points of bagging management for peach trees

    I. Bagging time. Combined with fruit thinning with fruit bagging, there are peach borer damage orchard should be carried out before the peach borer lays eggs. Second, bagging objects. Mainly to the middle maturity and late maturity varieties, especially late maturity varieties, such as August crisp, Guoguang honey, Chushu red, red snow peach

    2020-11-08 seed peach tree peach fruit bagging management key points one
  • Control of plum peach borer

    Control of plum peach borer

    The symptoms are that the hatched larvae eat into the fruit from the base of the pedicel, eat the food along the core, and paste the gum out of the wormhole and the brown feces excreted by the insect body on the fruit surface, so that the feces of the borer overflows and is unedible. The control method is in the peak spawning period of the first and second generation adults from April to May, when most of the eggs on the fruit turn red, spray 2.5% deltamethrin 2500 times, 50% phoxim EC 1000 times, 40% omethoate 1000 times.

  • Zero Pesticide Pest Control Technology in sightseeing picking Orchard

    Zero Pesticide Pest Control Technology in sightseeing picking Orchard

    "Zero Pesticide" Pest Control Technology in sightseeing picking Orchard "Zero Pesticide" Pest Control Technology is based on the artificial and physical control of pests during the dormant period of fruit trees, according to the biological characteristics of pests and during the occurrence of pests.

  • Detailed explanation of control techniques of four major insect pests in jujube

    Detailed explanation of control techniques of four major insect pests in jujube

    Detailed explanation of control techniques of four major insect pests in jujube

  • Key techniques for whole-process prevention and control of main diseases and pests of early-maturing peach in South China

    Key techniques for whole-process prevention and control of main diseases and pests of early-maturing peach in South China

    Key techniques for prevention and control of main diseases and insect pests in southern precocious peach peach is a perennial drupe deciduous fruit tree of Prunoideae (Rosaceae) and Prunus (Prunus). With the rise of leisure and sightseeing agriculture, peaches are colorful and fruity.

  • What are the diseases and insect pests in loquat florescence?

    What are the diseases and insect pests in loquat florescence?

    What are the diseases and insect pests in loquat florescence? How to control these diseases and insect pests? Also ask netizens to help introduce the general loquat flowering diseases and pests are ear rot, leaf spot, nymph mites and other mites, pear heart borer, yellow caterpillar and peach borer and so on. If the above diseases and insect pests are not prevented and controlled in time,.

  • Which method is often used to control pests in pomegranate trees?

    Which method is often used to control pests in pomegranate trees?

    Which method is often used to control pests in pomegranate trees? Please introduce that pomegranate pests are mainly aphids, peach borer, red spiders and heart-eating insects. You can refer to the following methods for pest control: 1. Insecticide control: according to the insect situation in the field, when the larvae and eggs of peach borer and heart-eating insects appear, spray 30% peach Xiaoling EC 20 in time.
